` - - - & the start up [/font]

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - - the handbook */

As a member or oncoming member of EXOTIC CHARGE, our staff would highly appreciate you looking through every thread in this board. It contains information you as a member should know before you join and during your stay with us. What sort of things? The basic deal that most RPG sites have. The rules, our plot, cliques and so on. Please read everything in this board considerately and thoroughly.

Moderators: ALLIE *// , Alexis Mayhem, Damien Eric Rouse

3 3 The Cliques!
by ALLIE *//
Sept 6, 2009 21:01:42 GMT -4
No New Posts - - - announcements */

Here's where you look for the latest updates on the site and polls for of the months. Generally we try to keep the site with as many events as possible, depending on what goes on of course. There will be polls for of-the-months every month, make sure you vote on those, all votes count and could be used. But yeah- basically, check in here to get filled in on the news here at Exotic Charge.

Moderators: ALLIE *// , Alexis Mayhem, Damien Eric Rouse

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - applying */

Here is where all the character making magic happens. You can find the application and canon list here. This is also where you post your application, done or not. If it’s not done please note as so in the title with a {WIP} tag. Format the title of your application correctly please: LASTNAME {Uppercase}, first {lower}. Also look at the sub board titled WANTED CHARACTERS. Look there first in case someone is in need of a character.

Sub-board: - - - character requests */

4 9 Character Request
by darknezzangel
Mar 3, 2010 1:27:37 GMT -4
No New Posts - - - the filing cabinet */

Congrats dude, you made it to the next level. In this section are the applications of accepted characters. You may look at them for ideas but you may not copy them. As a member of our forum, you are not permitted to plagiarize from any other member. This also goes for characters you see on other sites.

21 22 MURPHY, annabel clarisse
by Annabel Clarisse Murphy
Feb 15, 2010 17:38:24 GMT -4
No New Posts - - - sign ups */

So this is where you claim your character's face, aim screen-name, cell phone number, positions on certain football teams, and jobs. The only one that is absolutely mandatory is the FACE CLAIM. If you don't claim your face, don't come crying to us when someone else claims them fair and square.

6 6 job claim
by ALLIE *//
Mar 12, 2010 23:59:33 GMT -4

` - - - & communication [/font]

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - - plotting */

Generally before you can really get going in a good plot, you need to discuss things out with people! In this board you can find a separate board for relationship trackers, the pages that are pretty and long and kind of confusing. The main board is used for the shipping debates though.

11 48 If I was a r i c h man (JAMES RUSSELL RUNE)
by James Russell Rune
Mar 13, 2010 17:27:59 GMT -4
No New Posts - - - networking */

Three sub boards are in this board, myspace, facebook and live journal. Basically it's just an easier way to have your characters interact with one another. This is entirely in character.

Sub-boards: - - - facebook */, - - - myspace */, - - - live journal */

by Derek Angel
Feb 18, 2010 22:54:41 GMT -4
No New Posts - - - online chatting */

The main board is for AIM -- the best instant messaging system ever -- threads only. There's a specific sub board where you lame people email each other.

Sub-board: - - - email */

4 33 anywhere but here. | OPEN(:
by Evelyn Madeline Rune
Mar 13, 2010 23:45:40 GMT -4

` - - - & out of character [/font]

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - - archives */

Inactive or dead threads go here. PM ALLIE, Alexis Mayhem, or Damien to get them moved back.

5 69 Baby I'm A Piece of Art [ JAY ]
by Jay Adam Alexander
Feb 19, 2010 15:47:26 GMT -4
No New Posts - - - advertisement */

This is a guest friendly board for people to share their wonderful little sites on. Please post in the correct section, there are two. One is for link backs and the other is for first times.

Sub-boards: - - - link backs */, - - - first timers */

37 37 Fullmetal Alchemist RPG
by Ed Admin
Mar 25, 2010 20:06:39 GMT -4
No New Posts - - - games */

Everybody loves games, right? Right! Get your mind off the post for a minute and participate in an in or out of character game!

1 1 s t a l k e r
by Benjamin Tyler Rune
Mar 13, 2010 16:53:48 GMT -4
No New Posts - - - chat room */

This board is for really anything out of character. You can post things about yourself or just random spamming and all that jazz. :] For MEMBERS ONLY.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - absences */

if you know you're going to be gone for longer than a week please just post here so we don't delete any accounts. make sure you include what characters it affects and how long you'll be gone if applicable.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.


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